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Veroniccas Aalborg-blog: Life in Denmark has been a journey for me

Af Veronicca Popova

Since I will be blogging about my life in Denmark and this is my first post ever, I think it’s appropriate to make a short introduction to how I started a life here.

Life in Denmark has been quite a journey for me. This is the place where I got my first job, got educated, got drunk one too many times, quit smoking, became a vegetarian, fell in love, got my bike stolen, twice and many more I would love to tell you all about later in the blog.

Moving away to a country whose language you don’t speak, leaving your loved ones, family and friends behind, starting from the very bottom, can sound pretty scary, but for an 18years old me this was the biggest adventure ever!

Veronika Popova

Veronika Popova

I left home to study. I came to Aalborg, when I was still just a kid. I pretty much grew up here, I learned how to pay bills, make my own doctor appointments, “cook”, and most importantly learned how to be independent and take care of myself.

At first there was quite a culture shock, not gonna lie. Bulgaria is an amazing country but vastly different from Denmark.

To begin with… Denmark is expensive, like … Japan expensive.

A large Coke costs 7€, whaat? Thank God, I don’t drink that.

But never mind the prices, once you live here for a while, it all starts to make sense and adds up.

I think what got me hooked at first was the Scandinavian minimalism (that is everywhere, fashion, interior, architecture) the food, the people and general atmosphere of Aalborg.

Veronika Popova

Veronika Popova

When I first came to Aalborg, I wasn’t a vegetarian yet, and naturally Danish hotdogs became the top of my food pyramid. Never have I ever imagined I could get a “hotdog” with pickles, fried onion and remoulade… Lucky for me, hot dog wagons can be found all over town.

Anyways, not going to bore you with food talk now, we will leave that for another blog entry.

The important thing is, slowly Aalborg became my home and I can’t imagine living somewhere else at the moment. I fell in love with this place, beautiful landscapes, fjords and people.

I finished my education here, got a job, got some friends, got my heart stolen and for the time being I think it’s safe to say Aalborg is my city.

Veronika Popova

Veronicca Popova is a new blogger on – her content will be only in English. We want to reach out to the many foreign students in the city and the many tourist coming here. Veronicca will be your city-guide here – just with out the umbrella – if you know what we mean 

Also for us living here in Aalborg its great to read what people from different countries think about the city and how they experience life here!

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