Veroniccas Aalborg blog: It’s already Christmas here

Aalborg takes Christmas very seriously!
All shops do amazing job decorating and the streets are just fired with Christmas spirit. But my favourite has to be the Julemarket. It’s THE place to get a sugar overdose, get a little tipsy and do some Christmas shopping.
All the small shops and decorations create such a cozy atmosphere, it’s delightful. On the opening day I spent a few hours there, just checking out the stands and drinking one too many cups of delicious Glögg at the Julecafe. It’s packed with people there and the mood is great.
This year most of the stands work with Mobile Pay, which makes it so much easier to pay.
My favourites would have to be the Roasted Almonds, Dutch Cheese and Belgian Chocolate stands. I can live on these roasted almonds and the cheese selection is great!
The true Christmas magic comes in the evening though. The only word it can be described as is magical. The scenery is so beautiful in the evening, with the smell of roasted almonds in the air, sound of Christmas songs and gorgeous light decoration.
I love how seriously Aalborg takes this holiday and the great effort that is put into turning the city into a Christmas fairytale.
The cold weather doesn’t seem to stop anyone from enjoying the beautiful decorations and Christmas mood. Make sure to stop by the Christmas Market and get a romantic ride on the Ferris Wheel :).